Tuesday 22 February 2011

We are here!

After many hours travel and many sleepless hours (for me anyway)... we are back at 5 Finch Place.  It's so good to be back.  Pearl has taken over my space in the hallway, and is currently sleeping.  She did really well on the flight, and many people complimented her sweet disposition.

Tyson did well as well.  He had no problem sleeping it seemed.  Although we have some good video with his bopping head and trying to find a good spot to sleep.

As Wayne Hoyles, preached Sunday.  Provision is on it's way... so, despite a full flight and the flight attendant saying " there is absolutely no way the baby will be able to have a seat"... moments before take off the attendant came to us and said, "Okay, we have a seat for you and one for the baby".  And so, what could have been a really long flight, was just a wrong flight.  Pearl slept well and comfortably.

We are adjusting to the time zone changes, warm weather and driving on the other side of the road. 

Go figure, I'm tired again.  So, I'll write more and look for funny stories to tell...

Good Night

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